.International Visitors - Visit of the cultural attaché of the U.S

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    Visit of the cultural attaché of the U.S:


     On Wednesday 06/04/2011, The U.S. cultural affair in Jeddah had visited Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi Center of Excellence in Breast Cancer accompanied by her assistant Mr. Ali algdban, where Dr. Samia Al-Amoudi had welcomed them and providing a definition of Center’s activity and the achievements of King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, the global partnerships such as the one done with the Global Initiative, which makes the center is the first center in the Middle East in this partnership, as well as Susan G. Komen invitation for the center to cooperate and holding a global scientific conference in the coming May.

     Also, Dr. Al-Amoudi had accompanied the delegation to an internally tour among the center presenting them the main units in the center with the focus on the main unit which is early screening unit for tumors.

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1/26/2014 9:44:24 AM