Visits and Invitations - Dr. Samia Alamoudi Invited by the United Nations and the NASDAQ

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Dr. Samia Alamoudi Invited by the United Nations and the NASDAQ: 

Dr. Samia al-Amoudi Executive Director of the Center and ChairWoman of the chair, Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi for breast cancer research Was invited by the United Nations to attend the Social Forum on 21 Shawwal 1432 September 19, 2011 , where diseases cancers take major priority medical meetings of the United Nations this year.
Also received the invitation to participate in the celebration of NASDAQ, closing bell on 21Shawwal 1432 September 19, 2011 as a gesture to draw the attention of the world to coincide with the convening of meetings of the United Nations .. Dr. Samia al-Amoudi participated in meetings and in the market closing ceremony and she spoke about social constraints and its role in the development of early screening programs in the panel discussion included some wives of Heads of State and with the 
Mministers of Health and Famous People (such as Bill Gates).


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1/26/2014 9:53:11 AM