A training program for students and job-seekers in Colleges and Universities






B : A training program for students and job-seekers in Colleges and Universities:


Period of training and optional:
1. Sara Mohammed Bugshan: The first student in the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences Nursing Section joined the Center for three weeks on October 2010 within the period of training a year it's optional concession.
2. Safwan Bin Osama Tayeb: The first student from the Faculty of Medicine who joins the training program to spend a period of two weeks elective on June 2011.
3. Psychological and social support: Fatima_________ :
A student of Effat University, Department of Psychology joined the training in the Center of Sheikh Mohammed Hussien Al-Amoudi Center of Excellence in Breast Cancer on December 2011.
4. Dr. Walid Bahaj: spent training period within the program of the Family Medicine Society for two months, December 2011 and January 2012.
5. Rowan Nassif: Lecturer in the Department of Family Medicine Society spent two days training in the center from 11-12 December 2011.
6. Racan Abdalaziz Akram and Hussam Abdul Latif Kurdish: both spent four days to participate in the center from 13 December 2011 they are from the Family Medicine & Geriatrics and the Community Medicine Section.




Last Update
1/26/2014 10:57:16 AM