Partisipated in events International - London trip
London trip
Upon invitation from the administration of Saudi schools and
clubs in the UK and Ireland, Dr. Samia patronized an
awareness program for scholarship students and their
companions and build research and volunteering ties. The
event took place on 25 November 2010.
Dr. Samia participated in several events of the programs,
giving the following lectures:
did I get into this pink world?
man is our partner
Healthcare rights of Saudi women
She also talked about the role students play in fighting
the disease. There was also a meeting with practitioners
and female middle school and high school students.
Also the following research agreements were reached:
The level of awareness about the disease among
female Saudi students living in London, with Ms.
Ahlam Al-Zahrani
Barriers against early detection for Saudi women in
London, with Dr. Nahed Batarfi
The event also included a visit to student Amal Qattan
at the London International University, who is writing a
research paper titled “quantitative estimation of breast
cancer tumor proteins and their isotopes,” and meeting
her research supervisor.