Document Details

Document Type : Article In Journal 
Document Title :
Engagement of RAGE in Diabetic Neutrophils Contributes to Cell Priming and Altered Neutrophil Response
Engagement of RAGE in Diabetic Neutrophils Contributes to Cell Priming and Altered Neutrophil Response
Document Language : English 
Abstract : Advanced glycation end products (AGE's) accumulate in diabetic plasma and tissue due to hyperglycemia. AGE's are heterogeneous molecules that include carboxymethyllysine (CML), pyralline, and pentosidine. AGE-mediated events important in pathogenesis of diabetic complications. Neutrophil function is altered in diabetics, and the presence of periodontal disease aggravates the neutrophil response. In addition, engagement of receptor for AGE (RAGE) by AGE on hematopoietic cells is critical in inflammation. Objective: Aim of this study is to determine whether AGEs stimulate neutrophil response in diabetics with or without periodontitis, and whether this response is mediated by RAGE. Methods: RAGE on neutrophils from healthy and DM subjects was detected by Western blotting of cell extracts. CML-albumin was made by chemical modification of bovine serum albumin, and endotoxin was removed by affinity chromatography. Superoxide production in the presence and absence of function blocking RAGE antibody was compared in neutrophils primed with CML-albumin and control unmodified albumin. Results: We identified the presence of RAGE on both normal and DM neutrophils by Western blots of cell extracts, and specificity of the antibody was confirmed in competition studies. Superoxide production from diabetics and healthy controls was blocked by the same RAGE antibody upon stimulation of the cells with CML-albumin. Unmodified control albumin stimulated little superoxide production in neutrophils as expected. CMLalbumin induced a dose-dependent increase in neutrophil superoxide production obtained from healthy and diabetic subjects. Superoxide was twofold higher in un stimulated diabetic neutrophils (n=20; p 
ISSN : 0 
Journal Name : J Periodontol. 
Volume : 74 
Issue Number : 8 
Publishing Year : 2003 AH
2003 AD
Article Type : Article 
Added Date : Tuesday, May 20, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
ممدوح كريمةKarima, Mamdoh


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