Document Details

Document Type : Article In Journal 
Document Title :
Clinical And Radiographic Aspects Of Chronic Osteomyelitis In Amphetamine Addicts.
Clinical And Radiographic Aspects Of Chronic Osteomyelitis In Amphetamine Addicts.
Document Language : English 
Abstract : Chronic osteomylitis of the mandible and maxilla in ampetamine addicts was studied. Clinical, radiographic andbacteriologic investigations were performed. Patients were followed up for 5 years. The abnormal agressive clinical picture of the disease and delayed healing may be attributed to amphetamine addiction. Amphetamines (Max-Forte) abuse began in 1940. It was one of the popular 1 stimulants which have few medical uses but high addiction potential. It is used by inhalation, oral administration or intravenous injection 1. Their effect on the, I body is similar to that of ephedrine, but their interest is their potent central stimulation with wakefulness and hightened mood. They are sometimes I medically used in the treatment of obisity, as respiratory stimulant (in barbiturate poisoning), and in depr~ssive psychic states 2. Medical complications in chronic amphetamine addication involving multiple organ systems as immune system, upper respiratory tract infection, hepatitis, skin abcesses and tetanus after subcutaneous injection have been reported with variable frequency, but a direct relationship between these diseases and drug abuse has not been established 3-6. Reviews of clinical experience with hematogenous osteomyelitis by Waldvogel 7 have referred to the possible contributory role of intravenous selfinocleation. However many cases of chronic osteomylitis have been reported in addicts 8-10. Osteomyelitis is a serious ~equelae of nonwalled off odontogenic infection. The causative organism may be introduced as a result of periapical inflammation, fracture or hematogenous spread from another site 11-15.Osteomyelitis had been reported to be remarkably severe in immunosupressed patients e.g. steroid theraby or chemotherapy, and in addiction cases 8-12. The purpose of this paper is to stress the increased incidence of chronic osteomyelitis in the jaws of amphetamine (Max-Fort) addict patients. 
ISSN : 0 
Journal Name : Cairo Dental Journal 
Volume : 4 
Issue Number : 2 
Publishing Year : 1988 AH
1988 AD
Article Type : Article 
Added Date : Sunday, February 7, 2010 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
زينب عبداللطيفAbd- Elatif, Zinab ResearcherDoctorate 


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