Document Details

Document Type : Article In Journal 
Document Title :
“Frequency of satellite cells in perisynaptic versus extrasynaptic regions of the rat soleus muscle”
“Frequency of satellite cells in perisynaptic versus extrasynaptic regions of the rat soleus muscle”
Document Language : English 
Abstract : Whether satellite cell nuclei are more common in the vicinity of motor endplates than in extrasynaptic regions of rat muscle is not clear. If this were true, then perisynaptic satellite cells could play a role in the preservation of the endplate. We compared the frequency of satellite cell nuclei in the perisynaptic and extrasynaptic regions of rat soleus muscle. An absolute as well as a relative increase of perisynaptic satellite cells was found. The mean frequency of satellite cell nuclei per sarcomere was 0.016 in perisynaptic regions and 0.002 in extrasynaptic regions (P=0.01). Also, perisynaptic satellite cells had many processes, and some features suggested a more active state. It was suggested that satellite cells might add to the pool of junctional myonuclei which synthesize acetylcholine receptor molecules, or help in the repair of the postsynaptic membrane. Alternatively, they may synthesize basal lamina components which are specific for the endplate. 
ISSN : 1059-7794 
Journal Name : Al-Azhar Medical Journal 
Volume : 32 
Issue Number : 4 
Publishing Year : 2003 AH
2003 AD
Article Type : Article 
Added Date : Sunday, March 28, 2010 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
شريف حسنHassan, Sherif ResearcherDoctorate 


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