Document Details

Document Type : Article In Conference 
Document Title :
Expression of ICAM-t and Integrin Adhesion Proteins in Gingival Tissues of Early Onset Periodontitis Patients
تواجد الجزيئات اللاصقة (إيكام-1) و(انتجرين) في النسيج اللثوي عند مرضى التهاب السمحاق صغار السن
Document Language : English 
Abstract : EOP , an aggressive form of periodontitis: is subdivided into PP, JP and RPP which represent three age-related distinct clinical entiti~s with different clinical manifestations, and possible distinct etiologies. EOP patients have been suggested to be predisposed to periodontal infections by a defect in PMNL and/or monocytes, and in the regulatory events that govern their immune responsiveness.The present study was conducled to determine the cxpression or BI-inlc!!,rin(CD29) and ICAM-I (CD54) udhesion molecules in gingivul tissucs or dillcrent EOP patients. The study included 22 otherwise healthy EOP patients (6 LPP, 8 UP and 8 RPP) and 22 age and sex m;pched controls with clinically normal gingiva.Gingival specimens related to areas of greatest loss of attachmcnt werc takcn and immunohistochemical analysis using APAAP technique was performed.The rcsults revealed statistically significant higher expression of CD29 and CD54 when EOP patients were compared to their corresponding controls. Furthermore, comparison between different EOP patients was carried out. RPP patients demonstrated significantly higher CD29 expression when compared to LPP and UP who did not show a significant difference in between. Moreover, RPP patients expressed the highest level of CD54 when compared to UP patients, but the difference was not significant whcn compared to LPP patients. This differential expression of CD29 and CD54 may throw light on their importance in the immunopathogenesis of this rare form of periodontal diseases, and their possible role in mediating the severe periodontal destruction in RPP. 
Conference Name : المؤتمر الدولي الثامن لطب الاسنان 
Publishing Year : 1417 AH
1997 AD
Article Type : Article 
Added Date : Tuesday, October 19, 2010 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
غادة منصورMansour, Ghada ResearcherDoctorate 


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 27827.pdf pdf 
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