Document Details

Document Type : Article In Journal 
Document Title :
Percutaneous Gallbladder Stones Removal and and Gallbladder Ablation: A Study of 10 Cases
Percutaneous Gallbladder Stones Removal and and Gallbladder Ablation: A Study of 10 Cases
Document Language : English 
Abstract : Percutaneous cholecystostomy (PC) and stone extraction from the gallbladder has been reported as a safe method for removal of gallstones. We report here our experience with percutaneous cholecystostomy (PC) and stone extraction on 10 patients. Four of these 10 patients had percutaneous cholecystostany (PC) and stone extraction only: Two of them showed a stone-free gallbladder at 13 and 22 months of follow-up. The other 2 patients showed residual fragments seen at the immediate post-procedure follow-up. Three patients had gallstones' extraction and occlusion of the cystic duct by means of a catheter and absolute alcohol injection into the gallbladder lumen. All showed a gallbladder lumen free of stones at 15-28 months. Most importantly, 2 patients had gallstones' extraction followed by electrocoagulation of the cystic duct and absolute alcohol injection into the gallbladder. One patient had total gallbladder lumen ablation; the other patient had a gallbladder lumen with stone recurrence at 5 months of follow-up. The last patient had a patent cystic duct after electrocoagulation and no alcohol was injected. It is concluded that percutaneous cholecystostomy (PC) and gallstones' extraction with or without gallbladder lumen ablation may have a role in treatment of selected patients. Further investigation is needed in this regard 
ISSN : 1319-1004 
Journal Name : Medical Science Journal 
Volume : 7 
Issue Number : 2 
Publishing Year : 1419 AH
1999 AD
Article Type : Article 
Added Date : Thursday, February 17, 2011 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
محمد رواسRawas, Mohammad InvestigatorDoctorate 
طلال بخشBakhsh, Talal ResearcherDoctorate 
عدنان مردادMerdad, Adnan ResearcherDoctorate 
عبدالوهاب نور وليNoorwali, AbdulWahab ResearcherDoctorate 


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