Document Details

Document Type : Article In Journal 
Document Title :
TB Control Factors Affecting Adherence To Treatment In Menofia Governorate
TB Control Factors Affecting Adherence To Treatment In Menofia Governorate
Document Language : English 
Abstract : Egypt has a long history in the fight against tuberculosis, but it still constitutes a major public health problem. Non-adherence of TB patients to treatment is one of the main problems that lead to persistence of TB in the community. The benefits ofTB treatment hold only if it is taken regularly and according to prescription. One of the main goals of the National TB Control Program (NTP) is to reduce the number of defaulting TB patients in Egypt. The aim of this study is to identify the underlying factors that lead to low compliance and defaulting of TB patients in Menofia Governorate. Results of this study proved that noncompliance of the TB patients to treatment is caused by bi-dimensional factors; factors related to the health care service quality and personal factors related to the patients themselves. A total of 56% of defaulters in this study attributed their noncompliance to factors reflecting inadequate patient education and support by the health care providers. Deficiency .of the health education process was proved in this study as one fourth of the studied sample were never given any information about the disease. Duration of treatment was only mentioned to 76% of patients and only 3.1% were informed about the importance of regularity of treatment. Detailed interrogation with the patients about the quality of service revealed significant difference between completers and defaulters regarding the location of the clinic and the health care providers attitude. About 15% of defaulters mentioned that they sought treatment elsewhere, which means that they lost confidence in the clinic. A group of 6.5% of defaulters claimed their noncompliance to wrong information given by providers concerning duration of treatment,.also, ]9.5% of defaulters attributed, their defaulting to personal factors. On the other hand, investigating health care providers knowledge, showed marked shortage in both the TB epidemiology and the standard case management especially the follow up system. Therefore it is recommended to promote compliance of TB patients to treatment through developing a proper strategy for improving the service quality and upgrading knowledge and skills of providers. It is also recommended to increase the role of the NGOs and community in supporting TB patients. 
ISSN : 1110-1865 
Journal Name : The Egyptian Journal of Community Medicine 
Volume : 18 
Issue Number : 1 
Publishing Year : 1420 AH
2000 AD
Article Type : Article 
Added Date : Tuesday, February 7, 2012 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
دعاء الديرويEI Derwi, Douaa ResearcherDoctorate 


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